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Understanding Your Organization’s Training Requirements

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We are a registered staffing company in India offering reliable training services. Additionally, we also offer custom employee learning solutions along with e-learning development of the contract trainers and recruited candidates.

For staying relevant and competitive in the fast-paced business world of the modern era, it is imperative for the workforce of your organization to perform the best. Citrine Solutions delivers intuitive and innovative corporate training packages or programs for strategically aligning with your business goals. Whether you are searching for infrastructural design solutions or training solutions for corporate workers, we are here for you.


Constructive and professional experience

  • Citrine Solutions believes in a cost-effective model that’s designed to ease the load on companies, by being financially balanced.

Careful research and articulation, we have

  • Through careful research, we have developed a set of programs that cover every aspect of work and work culture in the industry.

Nurturing Human Assets in Evolution

  • We help in facilitating and nurturing human assets in evolution while ensuring enhancement of skills of the people within organizations.

Training the Leaders of Tomorrow

At Citrine Solutions, we are committed to getting the results. The overall success of any recruitment program lies in sourcing the right candidate along with proper candidate evaluation and stakeholder management. Our recruiter training program is a customized plan. It focuses on:

  • Using the best practices
  • Achieving excellence
  • Learning
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Using the best practices

Using the best practices as well as skills for improving the overall performance

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Achieving excellence

Achieving excellence across every step of the recruitment cycle –right from sourcing to assessment, offer management, and soft skill management

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Learning how to use new, advanced techniques, methods, and tools for reinventing your style of recruitment

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Service Advantages

Over years, we have successfully completed several projects in the field of recruitment and training. We have a team of consultancy specialists for providing assistance with unique recruitment & training requirements of the clients.

  • Training Assessment

    for identifying and addressing the learner knowledge & skills gaps

  • Global contract trainers

    featuring a network of thousands of training consultants

  • Consulting services

    for Instructional design based on the learner’s needs

  • Custom e-learning design

    ensuring in-class training for a dedicated team of experienced specialists